No it’s not at all an offer I have thrown on you. Rather it is the biggest relative question I face today and so do you. You choose one and you long for the other. One makes your hunger go and other quenches your thirst.
Day in day out this is the choice we are making and assuming we have done that correctly. May be yes and may be no. It’s the times that rule your decisive powers, every moment and its fractions. Are you still in thought that what I mean is food and drink? Absolutely not. I am talking about the questions you face and the choice of answers you make at that particular point. With every choice you are either left hungry or you are left thirsty. Your existence is reliant on every such choice, I guess. Some take you away from other and some bring you closer to many. Of these all people you have infliction for few and affection for rest. Your decision, every one, will carry the baggage of your affection and infliction not considering the ethics and practical. You decide in accordance to the circumstances around and moreover the virtual media and your acquaintances on it force you to opt for options which may not really be required at that point. Boasting is rampant. Especially on advance and borrowings. They may not be their own but they force you to feel inflicted with your own achievements. The people you follow are not real. They have learnt the art of portrayal which makes them look so good in your eyes. You believe them as seen on TV!! Be real is a rampant statement now a days by those who themselves are camouflaged. The general mass is very very busy appreciating and appraising such mahanubhaavs who lead to a world which is virtually nonexistent but makes one feel filled or quenched. Simultaneously the other lot of people who know that the road is leading to a false world are helpless but determined in their own sense that damage to them will be lesser. The fall of artificial and large is mighty whereas for the real and composed is gratifying because they know what’s wrong.
Taking what you need and ignoring what you don’t is a very basic logic. When the need is greed, life becomes expensive and pressured. Aren’t you somewhere caught in this? Slowly I and then people around me are graduating to this falsehood of existing happy. When I say I am happy I decide all parameters for it and when I set those parameters on what I have then the entire theory of being happy changes towards a false projection of myself. The world is slowly filling up with such personalities. The suppressed are evolving as ever happy and one who have been thoughtful are keeping watch on time. The inflation will deflate but how, when and why is the question. It is when we take what we need because what we want will not be affordable for us.
Eat when you are hungry and drink when you thirsty is solution. Any other mishmash will spoil you, your habits, your health and your wealth as well !!